Why Remote Workforce is the secret sauce to scale

Why Remote Workforce is the secret sauce to scale.

The moment businesses learn to discern the difference between growth and scale, they thrive.

Picture yourself as a service-based business that has just signed a few new clients. Post onboarding, you succeed in upsizing your revenue. However, you lack the resources available to fully serve them. What’s next? Quite naturally, you hire new talent to help manage the workload.

Do you recognize the pitfall? Although your revenue grew when you signed on a new client, your expenses multiplied at the same rate. If every sale you make demands a certain amount of time and effort equating to that spent in the previous sale — your business may be growing but it isn’t scaling.

Two magical words: efficiency and cost control: Your business scales when it can cope with an increased influx of work while maintaining or even better, increasing its efficiency — without a linear growth in cost. When it comes to scaling, the most effective roadmap to success is to structure your business in a resource backed way — where you’re not overly dependent on any particular individuals.

Consider remote. Consider flexible
An adaptable remote workforce helps you stay lean — and yet be ready to swiftly onboard new clients. The pinnacle where you produce more output with less input — ever-more with ever-less.

Know the easter eggs:

    • You can draw from a larger talent pool.
    • You can move the needle towards cutbacks.
    • It’s a great selling point when attracting talent. Hence becomes your proposition to top a talent’s wishlist.
The catch: Truth be told, businesses need to have the know-how to navigate remote work in its entirety. The multifaceted nature of remote working needs to be addressed through a strategic approach.

Things to consider:
Talent acquisition
Talent management
Building a remote ecosystem
Compliance assurances

The answer is Flexipert’s remote talent supply. With our platform, you can unleash, source, and manage a giant pool of on demand remote talent to cater to your existing clients and onboard new ones — at empowering budgets fitting your financial efficiency. Hereof you get a better talent advantage. Your interview efforts and administrative burdens are downsized. All of this with absolutely no lock-ins*.
*7-day notice for talent replacement
The big picture: Flexible engagement models. No location constraints. Cost efficiency with every talent. A wider window to invite versatile skills into your business.
Wait, there’s more to consider: Scaling a business would come with resource related exigencies that businesses might not fully anticipate. The reason why, on average, 45% of hires have to be replaced within 3 months.
Having said that, Flexipert has designed smart engagement models to accommodate the dynamic needs of remote working and set you free from liability. Results? Better alignment of expectations. Natural predictability. Capacity on tap with no lock-ins. An organic reduction in the need for premature talent replacement. At the end of the tunnel, you’d see the light of exponential growth while keeping your costs fairly low. We believe Fortune 500 quality remote talent like that on Flexipert must be heaved from the periphery to the center of the world where scalable businesses stand, including yours. We’re here with the secret sauce, ready to taste?

If you've landed on this page, you must be interested in galvanising your workforce. Find Fortune 500 remote talent on Flexipert.

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